I have been such a bad, bad blogger!
I did not even realize how
much time has passed since my last blog post. Think I may have just
gotten caught up in that vast social network known as Facebook, is all, but"Shame on me!" I will need to see how it is I can spread myself just a tad bit thinner to make room for my dear ole faithful blog. AND if you happen to be here now but tend to spend more time in Facebook-Land, be sure to visit me there too:
(Be sure check out the end of this post for links to some of my other favorite spots I am spending my time these days . . .)
So, seeing as it's been three long months since I have posted here's what I have been up to:
Via the wonderful designs of Tumble Fish Studio I have been able to dabble in both
"Shades of Green"
Though not my conscious intention, my intuition clearly guided this piece and it took on a whole Zen sort of symbolism with the butterfly and "Empty Bowl". |
"Shades of Purple"
"Miss Violette" does allow her love (or shall we say obsession?) for the color purple to get away from her at times! | | | | | | | | | | | |
This little lady got to show off her new glasses quite proudly.
How typical! Or rather shall I say: "how optical!" (heehee).
A journal card titled "An Optical Story" |
While this one, with the help of inspiration from the late great
Georges Méliès, got to show those elements clearly who's boss!
Queen Elemental; an ATC |
I, the Persnickety Chick, also had the fun of
participating in a bit of artsy fartsy fun . . .
First: the April ATC swap under the theme "Eye of the Beholder:
"If we all could see the world through eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything" -Chee Vai Tang |
And this month, one of my very favorites:
As part of the Deviant Scrap birthday celebration challenges, an altered portrait of my 2nd great grandmother . . .
| |
"Little Lotte"- I had so much fun with this gal and am so proud of how she turned out! |
I have also been working on some personal projects on the side. I began work on my first ever altered art book/art journal.
Page two and three of my journal. The left page will contain my journaling and I will be filling in words of importance in the swirls of the tree, my Tree of Life. |
This spread showcases the house of my dreams (quite literally based on a dream I had full of symbolism.) |
Was enjoying the process so much, at the request of some friends I decided to hold a little workshop/art night at my house.
Here I am getting my hands "dirty" prepping the pages beforehand. |
We had so much fun and the girls really embraced the whole experience. Even going to make it a regular thing now!
On my own, when I do manage to find some downtime (between my CT work, commissions, my little job at the health food store, and the blog I run with my cousin), I continue to work on my own art journal therapy pages, as well. Perhaps, if I can get my butt back here before too much time passes, I will do a feature on those. Until then . . .
Love, light, and peace to all!!!!
Keep on creating!!! There is a creative being inside of us all!