
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 is MY year!

There I said it!
And so as not to lose focus on my resolve for this year, I created a page today for my Art Journal.  Today of all days, it was something I especially  needed to do.  What I mean is this:
I think as caretakers (and women in general), we forget to take ourselves and end up neglecting our own needs (physical, mental, spiritual, you name it!) way too often.  It's no secret to anyone who frequents my blog that I have recently decided to jump head first into an artistic venture of my own.  I am starting to take myself seriously as an artist and whether I have a real change or not, I finally have the confidence to give it a go.  It is however not without its trials.  There are still some (those who I would least expect) that don't have the faith in me I wish they had, some who think it's a waste of valuable money-making time and then some who aren't necessarily discouraging me but aren't really encouraging me either.  This venture is about ME and ultimately only ME.  It's my time now and I'm taking it.  It's not about being irresponsible or selfish by any means.  It's about finally taking care of myself and I am okay with that!  Shouldn't I be? ;)

Credits for this layout can be found here.

1 comment:

LME said...

Good luck on your journey:)