
Sunday, August 28, 2011

My latest "fishy" creations

Just checking in to share some of my latest pieces created with some of the latest from the Tumble Fish team . . .

Longfellow's Beauty

Magical Things

Captive Beauty
 This next one is a little out there but I was just so intrigued by this old french poster advertisement, I did a little research and then from there it just evolved.  What can I say? Guess I have a bit of a dark humor!

La Tete Decapitee (translation: The Decapited Head) 

All credits for the above layouts can be found in my gallery here.

Due in part to some things that have been weighing on my mind as of late (hydro-fracking in my state) and the things for which I feel strong in taking a stand against (saving the environment, respect for all creatures upon this planet), this piece came to fruition . . .

Just a quick preview of some of the incredible kits (my favorites) used in the above layouts:

the Chicks rule again!!!

Well, the 2nd annual Chicks show was a raving success! We had the most incredible assortment of some of the most talented and creative chicks that this side of New York has to offer.  Some of my favorites from the day? Here ya go  . . .

These are so fun! Necklace/Scarves created from reclaimed material (t-shirts, ribbon, you name it).  Made by the talented reclaimed clothing designer Brit Rose of Rosmari Brand.

This lovely lady is just a little something I whipped up to be my official greeter and business card holder.

Yum! What more can I say?! These darling delectables made by Candies and Cupcakes.

Madame Marie; an altered art doll of mine made from a vintage bottle and lots of scrap fabric, lace and jewels.  She was in my Etsy shoppe for quite awhile but never seem to get the proper audience.  I brought her with me hoping to find a home for her but alas, she still sits in my studio.

I call these "pine cone pretties".  So sweet.  Created by Jewel of Denile

I created this as an art piece to be featured in the Reclaimed Fashion Exhibit; an event I was involved in as part of the local Green Initiative Team efforts; something else I'm passionate about in addition to my art. 

My DD, Livy, made her debut in the show with her first public exhibition of her fashion design from sketch to completed design on the dress form.  This picture above is actually taken from the write-up in our local paper.  For more check out this link here and here.

How absolutely adorable are these little creatures made from discarded socks. The gals at Under the Green Umbrella have the cutest assortment of fun stuff made entirely from discards.  Their motto is one I adopt myself: "Be Green, Buy Local"

Another of my pieces: The Unlikely Vixen

We have one of these every year to welcome our guests.  We had twice as many vendors as last year and I'm sure twice as many visitors, as well.

My latest piece I'm working on; an altered Victorian photo.

Aside from all of the wonderful creations on display there was also some fun to be had . . .

My boy gettin' in on some hoopin' action!

And would you believe this is the only photo from the day that exists of me? Go figure! LOL  I was such a busy bee, I guess I didn't stay still long enough for anyone to snap a shot.  Heehee

All in all, it was a really fun event and I can't hardly wait for next year!