Here's my latest ATC and the entry for this week's Three Muses Challenge: Time.. .
It seems that there is never enough time to do it all but I am making a concerted effort to fit my creating into the mix at least one day a week. To commemorate the beginning of the journey I have created this page below for my digital art journal.

I went a bit crazy on this one (very freestyle) but then maybe that kind of works for a layout entitled "Fearless"! LOL!
Journaling reads:
(November Year 2009)
It’s sad really how long it has taken me to finally find the courage to listen to my inner voice, turn off the negatives and just go for it! If I fail, I still will have found accomplishment in the process and maybe, just maybe, I will have had a little fun along the way. Hold onto your hat, ‘cause I’m going for it!