Welp, I'm back to being bitten by the scrappin' bug and it's worse than ever! It's amazing how difficult it is to stop once you start and I have definitely started. I have the official privilege to be creating for Scrap Artist these days and I am so far having quite a bit of fun. I'm having a blast expressing myself in my favorite altered style but am also setting goals to break out of my "Altered" box.
Outside of the digital scrap world, I am learning to slow down and enjoy my kids a little more. Our new home is great and it feels so comforting to be back in my little ole town. We are still settling into our new philosophy of "worldschooling" these days and although I really believe in it, sometimes it's hard to feel like we are the only ones. I am determined, however, to see us through.
Here are a couple of my new layouts:
For Dancing Scrapper's Marie Antoinette Altered Challenge

My Altered Library Card Challenge (a take on the talented Christine Honsinger's idea)